+420 731 547 847 Navigace


Richard Barusel

Born 27th September 1971. Year 2004 member of USGTF (united state golf teacher federation) achieved education Level 2. Employed at YPSILON GOLF LIBEREC since 2006. Year 2006 member of PGAC (professional golf association of Czech rep.), education completed in 2008 and Golf Professional and Class-II coach since 2009.

Men’s and boys’ sports team coach at YPSILON GOLF LIBEREC.

Golf tuition in Czech and English.

Contact: barusel@ygolf.cz, Telephone: +420 731 547 837

Ondřej Žáček

Born 10th July 1979. Member of the YPSILON GOLF LIBEREC sports team from 2006 till 2016. Member of PGA Czech (PGAC Apprentice) since 2017. Passed a Class-III coach training, a course of organizing golf competitions, and a marshal’s training. Employed at YPSILON GOLF LIBREC since 2017.

Coach of children, youth, and of the men’s sports team at YPSILON GOLF LIBEREC. Golf tuition in Czech and English.

Contact: zacek@ygolf.cz, Telephone: +420 603 208 266

anna sixtová

Born 3d July 1978. A member of PGAC since 2007 – 2016, as a Golf Professional and Class II coach. After the maternity break, she asked for reamaterization mainly due to amateur sports golf. Since then, she has been a member of the women’s league team Ypsilon, which in 2020 won the team extra-league. Anna now passes on her experience with the current HCP 0.5.

Coach of all performance, age, male and female categories, in Czech and English.

Contact: sixtova@ygolf.cz, Telephone: +420 731 547 810

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