+420 731 547 847 Navigace

How to became a member

Would you like to become members of Golf Club Ypsilon? It is very simple – contact us and ask about everything that is necessary. You can contact Mr. Martin Šíma, the club manager, at sima@ygolf.cz or by phone: + 420 731 547 860. After that, you can proceed as follows:

  1. The application form is filled in by the applicant and delivered at the club reception. The application form for the club can be found here: Golf Club Ypsilon REGISTRATION FORM
  2. The application form is approved by the club administration board.
  3. The fees are paid. – Membership fees are paid according to the type of membership. Annual fee is paid according to the member’s age. Based on the filled-in application form and the payment of fees, the club carries out registration at the Czech Golf Federation.
  4. CGF registration card. Upon registration, the new member receives the Czech Golf Federation registration card, which serves the purpose of documenting the club membership. The registration card can be picked up at the reception 14 days after the registration.

General partners of golf course

Main partners of golf course

Partners of golf course

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